Use our calculator below to determine your minimum yearly repayment.
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How to use our Div7A calculator
Step 1: Select the income year of the loan (the year you borrowed money from the company, e.g., FY2021-22).
Step 2: Select the income year for which you wish to calculate the minimum yearly repayment (e.g., FY2022-23).
Step 3: Enter the total of the unsecured constituent loans that were made in the 2021-22 income year before any repayments were made. (For example, refer to the closing loan balance as at 30 June 2022 on your company’s balance sheet (it should be listed under Assets).
Step 4: Enter the lodgment day. This is the earlier of the due date for lodgment or the actual lodgment date for the private company’s tax return for the 2021-22 income year (e.g., 15/5/2023).
Step 5: Click “add” to input repayments made during the 2022-23 income year.Enter the date of the loan repayment. Enter the amount of the repayment. Continue adding loan repayment details. If no repayment was made, leave it blank.
Final Step: Click “show my result" and the calculator will calculate the minimum yearly repayments you are required to make.
Why Choose Causbrooks.
Compliance Review and Complying Loan Agreement Setup.
At Caubrooks, we ensure your Division 7A loan agreement is fully compliant with the provisions of Division 7A of the Income Tax Assessment Act. Our team can helpy you draft a loan agreement that covers all essential aspects, such as the minimum annual repayment, the benchmark interest rate set by the Australian Taxation Office, and the maximum loan term.
By addressing these key requirements for loan agreements, we help safeguard your transactions from being misclassified as dividends, thereby preventing potential significant tax liabilities.
SMSF Strategic Repayment Planning.
We provide strategic advice to structure the repayment schedules of your loans in order to seamlessly integrate with your company’s cash flow. This careful planning helps ensure that all repayments are made on time, which is crucial for maintaining the tax benefits associated with complying loans.
Ongoing Monitoring and Annual Reviews.
Caubrooks offers ongoing monitoring and conducts annual reviews to ensure you comply with Division 7A requirements throughout the financial year. This includes regular checks to ensure that minimum yearly repayments and interest charges are met before the company’s income tax return due date. We stay proactive in updating loan agreements in response to any changes in legislation or shifts in your business circumstances, and we are prepared to advise on necessary adjustments to maintain full compliance and optimal tax positioning.
A Division 7A calculator is an essential tool for private company shareholders looking to comply with ATO regulations. This calculator helps you determine the minimum yearly repayment required for your loans, ensuring that you stay on track with your obligations and avoid penalties. By accurately calculating your repayments, you can manage your financial situation more effectively, preventing your loan from being classified as a deemed dividend, which could lead to higher tax liabilities.
Using the Division 7A calculator also allows you to factor in important details such as the benchmark interest rate and loan terms, helping you plan for the current and future income years. Whether dealing with a new or existing loan, this tool provides clarity on the repayments needed to stay compliant. By integrating the calculator into your financial strategy, you can confidently manage your Division 7A loans and avoid unexpected tax consequences.
Why Compliance Matters.
It's important your Division 7A loan is a complying loan as non-compliance can result in penalties and higher personal tax rates, potentially increasing the overall tax to 61.5%.
Compliant loans allow access to funds without triggering additional tax events, deferring tax payments instead of avoiding them.
For personalised advice, consult with one of our tax professionals today to ensure your strategy aligns with Division 7A requirements.
It's important your Division 7A loan is a complying loan as non-compliance can result in penalties and higher personal tax rates, potentially increasing the overall tax to 61.5%.
Compliant loans allow access to funds without triggering additional tax events, deferring tax payments instead of avoiding them.
For personalised advice, consult with one of our tax professionals today to ensure your strategy aligns with Division 7A requirements.

Strategies to Pay Yourself Without Triggering Div 7a.
Do you own a private company and wish to avoid triggering Div 7a?
We have assembled a series of articles outlining the various ways you can pay yourself out of your company's profits without triggering Division 7A.
As a company director in Australia, paying yourself a salary through your company’s payroll simplifies tax reporting and compliance with PAYG and superannuation requirements. This approach offers a straightforward way to manage and receive your income regularly.
When paying director fees, it's important to ensure you comply with tax laws, including proper PAYG withholding and superannuation contributions to avoid unintended Division 7A tax implications. Consulting with a tax expert can help maintain compliance and optimise tax benefits.
When paying yourself a bonus as a company director, it's crucial to manage these payments carefully to maximise benefits and ensure compliance with tax laws, avoiding unintended tax consequences under Division 7A.
As a company director, paying dividends, particularly fully franked dividends, can enhance your tax position. These dividends distribute profits that have been taxed at the corporate level, providing franking credits to offset your personal income tax and potentially reduce your taxable income.
When using company funds for personal expenses, such as buying a luxury item, it's important to follow a Division 7A loan agreement to prevent these funds from being taxed as a dividend at your personal rate.

For Division 7A to apply, the following conditions must be met:
- The entity is a private company.
- The company has recorded profits or retained earnings.
- A payment or loan has been issued by the company.
- The payment or loan is made to a shareholder or an associate of the shareholder.
If these conditions are met, Division 7A treats the payment or loan as a dividend from the company to the shareholder or their associate.

When funds are transferred from the company to a shareholder, the optimal tax approach involves using a Division 7A loan agreement. This involves establishing a formal loan agreement between the shareholder and the company, confirming receipt of the funds by the shareholder with a commitment to repay them, typically within a seven-year timeframe. This method ensures effective money management in compliance with tax regulations.

Division 7A serves to prevent shareholders from accessing company profits without fulfilling their tax obligations. Its purpose is to prevent individuals from exploiting the company's lower tax rate in contrast to their typically higher personal tax rate. Essentially, the ATO introduced Division 7A to eliminate such tax advantages and ensure equitable tax contributions from all parties involved.

Withdrawing company profits for personal use might trigger Division 7A, where the ATO categorises the profit you withdrew as an unfranked dividend. Consequently, you would incur tax liabilities at your personal rate, which could be substantial. For instance, a withdrawal of $750,000 could result in a tax obligation of as much as $352,500 (based on a 47% rate, inclusive of the Medicare levy).

The most compliant approach is to declare a fully franked dividend. Although tax implications still apply, this method is clear-cut. For a thorough guide on best practices and solutions, refer to our article titled Avoid triggering Div7a when paying directors fees.

Loans that don't adhere to Division 7A regulations are regarded as unfranked dividends, resulting in elevated tax liabilities. To avoid a tax rate potentially surpassing 60%, it's imperative to ensure compliance with your loan. Our specialised support ensures alignment with Division 7A guidelines, reach out to us today for a complimentary consultation.

In order to comply with Division 7A requirements, loans need to be repaid or restructured into a Division 7A-compliant format before the lodgment day. If you're unsure about this process, we're available to assist you. Reach out to us to ensure that your loan meets the compliance standards.

For loans secured over property, the repayment period extends to 25 years, while unsecured loans have a repayment term of 7 years. The duration of the loan impacts the minimum repayment amount, with 7-year loans requiring higher payments compared to 25-year loans. Struggling with meeting minimum repayment requirements? You might want to explore adjusting your loan term.

Failure to meet the minimum repayment requirements may lead to the loan being categorised as an unfranked dividend, carrying tax implications. To explore different strategies and ensure compliance with your minimum repayment obligations, read our article on funding your Understanding Div 7A Loans.

The answer depends on your individual financial circumstances, tax brackets, and company profit margins. To obtain clarity on the optimal choice for your situation, book a comprehensive tax planning session with us. Click here to get started, and we'll assist you in making the informed decision.

Clearing all Division 7A loans can streamline processes, yet it's crucial to evaluate the wider financial and structural ramifications. We offer solutions to aid in eliminating your Division 7A loan and expert guidance for optimising your setup. Click here to get started.

The current benchmark interest rate set by the ATO is 8.27%. See the ATO's website here for updates.

An Unpaid Present Entitlement refers to a present entitlement where the payment has not yet been made. This frequently occurs within trusts, where the trust earns income and distributes it to the beneficiaries. In the case where a beneficiary does not require immediate cash and chooses to retain the funds within the trust, an Unpaid Present Entitlement arises.
When a company has an Unpaid Present Entitlement from a trust, Division 7A can apply if the unpaid entitlement amounts to the provision of financial accommodation (i.e. a loan for purposes of Division 7A); a trustee makes a payment or loan to a shareholder of the private company or their associate during the year, either directly or through one or more interposed entities.
About Causbrooks.
Causbrooks is a registered tax agent. At Causbrooks, we’re dedicated to helping businesses with their taxation and accounting needs. If you would like to discuss your situation, please complete the form below.
Any advice contained in this document is general advice only and does not take into consideration the reader’s personal circumstances. Any reference to the reader’s actual circumstances is coincidental. To avoid making a decision not appropriate to you, the content should not be relied upon or act as a substitute for receiving financial advice suitable to your circumstances.